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قناة منصة معارف علي التليجرام الاقوي عربيا .. اشترك الآن

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دورة Most Common English Phrases

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قائمة الدروس | 39 درس


أفضل قنوات التليجرام لمختلف المجالات
قنوات تساعدك بكل سهولة على الوصول للمصادر التعليمية و الوظائف و النصائح المهنية و المنح الدراسية

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رندا عادل حسن الجيلي

رااائع 2024-01-27

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sultan sultan

جيد 2021-11-15

Raoof Aref

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محمود نافع

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إظهار تقيمات اخرى
دورة معتمدة اون لاين مجانية English idioms, proverbs, and expressions are an important part of everyday English. They come up all the time in both written and spoken English. Because idioms don't always make sense literally, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and usage of each idiom. That may seem like a lot of work, but learning idioms is fun, especially when you compare English idioms to the idioms in your own language. Learning to use common idioms and expressions will make your English sound more native, so it's a good idea to master some of these expressions. The tables below are organized by how common the idioms are in American English. You can start by learning the very common English idioms, since these are the ones you'll encounter regularly watching American movies or TV, or visiting the United States. When you've mastered those, move on to rest. None of the idioms on this page are unusual or old fashioned, so you can be confident using any of them with native English speakers from all English-speaking countries. Daily English Conversation Most Common English Phrases

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