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دورة Creative Maths Games

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قائمة الدروس | 6 درس


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اشترك الآن مجانا

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حسام حلو

ممتاز 2024-04-12

Shaza Asaad

ممتاز 2023-04-12


اعجبني الدرس 2023-01-18

Ala M. A. Khatib

متميزة جدا 2022-11-30

خديجة حسن خليل

It's very useful, I will use in my lessons. 2022-10-27

وليد عبدالله خلف الراشد

دورة جميلة ومفيدة ومعلوماتها وافيه وشاملة 2022-06-30

Mohammed ID Ahmed

منصة رائعة 2022-04-17

محمد مزمل الشيخ ادريس

Nieees 2022-01-09

إظهار تقيمات اخرى
دورة معتمدة اون لاين مجانية 15 Math Games in 15 Minutes or Less By Natalie Lorenzi Get students hooked on these fun and effective math games so they can keep their number skills sharp! Grades PreK–K, 1–2, 3–5, 6–8 From Math games bring out kids’ natural love of numbers. As students transition into the new school year, help them sharpen their number skills with some of these fun and effective games. 5 Minutes 1. Simon Says, “Geometry!” Ramp up this traditional game by having kids illustrate the following geometric terms using only their arms: parallel and perpendicular lines; acute, right, and obtuse angles; and 0-, 90-, and 180-degree angles. Challenge: Increase the pace of the commands and see if your students can keep up! 2. ’Round the Block Have students stand in a square. Give one of them a ball and a math challenge that requires a list of responses, such as counting by twos or naming shapes that have right angles. Before the student answers, he passes the ball to the person next to him. Children pass the ball around the square as quickly as they can, and the student must give the answer before the ball comes back to him. Challenge: When the correct answer is given, the child who has the ball must respond to the next challenge, sending the ball back around the circle in the opposite direction. 3. Bouncing Sums Cover a beach ball with numbers (use a permanent marker or sticky labels). Toss the ball to one student and have her call out the number that her right thumb touches. She tosses it to the next student, who does the same and then adds his number to the first. Continue for five minutes and record the sum. Each time you play the game, add the sum to a graph. On which day did you reach the highest sum? The lowest? Challenge: Use fractions, decimals, or a mix of negative and positive integers. 4. Straw Poll Ask a question and let students vote by placing a straw in one of several plastic cups, each labeled with a different answer. Later, younger students can graph the results, while older kids calculate the ratio and percentage for each response. Challenge: If the entire school body was polled, and assuming each response got the same percentage of votes, how many votes would there be in each cup? What if your town was polled? Your state? The U.S.? 5. Shaving Equations Place a dollop of shaving cream on each student’s desk, and them to solve equations by “writing” in the cream. Challenge: Ask students to set up a problem. On your signal, have them rotate to the desk adjacent to theirs and solve that problem. Have kids check answers at their desks before starting a new round. Dr Nic's Maths and Stats Creative Maths Games

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