Just what factors go into what might be called a great print. How do all the aspects of your photography come together for a great print. What areas of your photography are strongest and weakest and what might you look to change in the search for great prints.

Who needs to say they are great - is it just you, or are you making the prints for other people

Keith's article about what goes into a print looks at this in more detail

The 'Making of" video about the black and white print is at
There is a detailed article about this print by Keith Cooper at:

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"Buy me a coffee" https://ko-fi.com/keithcooper
My articles and videos are always free to access.
Any help with running this channel is gratefully received.
I also have some affiliate links which earn me a commission if used.
US Amazon photo/print gear: https://amzn.to/3l9vJC6

B&H Photo: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/?BI=2008&KBID=2711&DFF=d10-v1-t8-x4

Adorama: https://www.adorama.com/?utm_source=rflaid64416&utm_medium=affiliate