Use Social Media for Marketing - Create an Inviting Profile

Did you have a very private profile before deciding to use social media for marketing? Many people do prefer to have very private profiles, but then you realized the endless possibilities of using social media to grow your business. As they say, the rest is history right?

Now that you have made the decision, it is time to come out of hiding and be a successful social media marketer.

The Best Social Media Marketing Mindset
All business relies on people and connections. So, social media marketing is an ideal way to grow your business. There is just one catch...Are you ready? You can no longer be more concerned with privacy than you are interacting with as many people as possible. Boom!

Your goal is to attract people to you by making it easier to know, like, and trust you. So there is little room for a successful social media marketer to be isolated from the public.

The Best Social Media Marketing Starts With You
Now that you are in the right mindset, let's discuss your social media profile pages. Believe it or not your profile page can help you attract quality leads for your business or turn them off to you
in a split second. Do you remember what it was like to have that one neighborhood friend whose house seemed to be the hangout for everyone? There was always great snacks in the kitchen, the latest video games, a huge game room, and a cool back yard to invent all kinds of fun activities right?

Your social media profiles should be the same...The place where everyone wants to hangout. It should be open and inviting to everyone. You must be the leader of your profile welcome wagon.

Think about the people that tend to catch your eye as you scroll through the news feed. What kind of profiles tend to make you stop and click on the name? Then consider the things that make
you curious enough to click and read more about the person's background.

Have you noticed that people who give you more information and insight into their personality tend to be the profiles that you spend more time looking at?

No Need to be a Social Media Marketing Expert

Do not waste your opportunity to grow your business online because you think you must be a social media marketing expert. You would be surprised at how much traffic you can attract by having an inviting, full profile.

Here are 3 characteristics of a great social media profile:

1.Your picture - make sure that you have a clear picture of yourself. Do not use a picture of your pet, favorite sports team, or a company logo. People want to know who they are talking to and
potentially doing business with. Something other than your personal picture instantly sends up red flags to people.

2. Do not use an alias - Use your real name. If you go by a nickname, put the nickname in parentheses. While we can all appreciate vision, attempting to brand your vision with some phrase or statement and use it for your profile name is not the way to go. People do business with people they feel like they know. The more real and human you are, the more attractive you are to people because they feel like you know what their pain is and just how to solve it.

3. Public access - Set your profile security so that the public can connect with you. You want them to be able to see what you are all about by snooping on your page. Think about it. How many
times have you reached out to friend someone only for them to ignore you? However, when you give them a reason to "snoop" by appealing to that nosy human tendency, they end up finding that you have something in common and reaching out to you!

Watch this quick video for a few tips on using social media for marketing.

Use Social Media for Marketing Summary
Social media is gives you endless access to people. Leverage it to create new relationships and grow your business. By having an inviting profile full of information that attracts all kinds of people, you have a head start with reducing someone's resistance to learning more about your product, service, or business opportunity.

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