8 factors that influence Perceived quality of products in consumer behavior. How consumers assess quality of products

How do you assess perceived quality of a product? Why is a a product rated as high quality, medium quality or low quality ? That’s what this video talks about - 8 factors that influence customer perception of quality in products.
Perception is a key factor in consumer decision making and that’s the basis of the saying that ‘perception is reality’. This is because the decisions we make are influenced more by what we believe, not facts.

In consumer behavior research, we recognize that many factors do influence how consumers perceive quality of products and how they make buying decisions.
There are both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that impact product quality.

Those which are internal to the product and others that are external to the product. In many cases, consumer choices are influenced by extrinsic factors such as advertising image of the store or retail outlet, brand image, manufacturers image or reputation, and color of package.

Quality is a perception and not necessarily based on factual information. It’s what impression the consumer has of the product. Amazingly, even the product environment impacts people’s assessment of quality.

Dr Catherine Ngahu

Consumer Behavior