Reference group appeal types in consumer behaviour with examples of celebrity, expert and common man appeals

Dr Catherine Ngahu talks about 4 types of reference group appeals used in consumer behaviour and Marketing including: celebrity reference group appeal, common man appeal, executive appeal and expert appeal. These appeals are primarily use in marketing to influence consumer behaviour. Many influencers today appeal to those they seek to influence from the perspective of celebrity, expert, executive spokesman, or common man.
Celebrity appeals are used in the form of testimonial, endorsement, actor or spokesperson.
In this explainer video, four types of reference group appeals in consumer behaviour are presented with examples. Dr Ngahu uses interesting examples and discusses certain controversies to bring out the points.
The video gives explanation on the types of reference group appeals in consumer behaviour, the benefits, where each applies, factors to consider and much more.
The video considers the ole of CEO as influencer and discusses the controversy around the use of CEO in executive appeal. Examples of Steve Jobs, Jack Ma and Lee Iacocca are shared.

This video covers the following:

a) Celebrity appeal - explains the 4 different ways to use celebrities for great effect in marketing communication and promotion to influence consumer behaviour, as well as the challenges in choosing the suitable celebrity for a situation.

b) Expert appeal - explains the benefits of using experts, how this works to influence consumer behaviour and the type of experts that are used in different types of businesses.

c) Common man appeal - discusses the concept of common man appeal in consumer behaviour and why it helps to influence customers; need for people giving testimonials to fit the general consumer population; and the importance of relating to the market segment the business serves.

Dr Catherine Ngahu
Consumer behaviour
00:00 Reference group appeals
01:11 Celebrity appeal and reference groups
01:57 Testimonial vs endorsement
04:18 Celebrity as actor or spokesperson
05:36 Expert appeal and reference groups
06:49 Common man appeal and reference group
07:50 Executive appeal and reference groups
08:57 CEO as influencer in reference group appeals
09:42 CEO communication appeals examples