Self-Soothing Using Your Sense of Smell

Burn scented candles or incense in your room or house.
Wear scented oils, perfume, or cologne that makes you feel happy or confident.
Go someplace where the scent is pleasing to you, like a bakery, restaurant or a park.
Bake your own food that has a pleasing smell.
Lie down in your local park and smell the grass and outdoor smells.
Buy fresh-cut flowers or seek out flowers in your neighborhood.
Hug someone whose smell makes you feel calm.
Smells that trigger nostalgia.

Self-Soothing Using Your Sense of Vision

Print out pictures or quotes that you like. Make a collage of them to hang on your wall.
Find a place that’s soothing for you to look at, like a park Or find a picture of a place that’s soothing for you to look at.
Find photographs or paintings that you find relaxing, such as the nature photographs.
Draw or paint your own picture that’s pleasing to you.
Carry a picture or photograph of someone you love, or someone you admire.

Self-Soothing Using Your Sense of Hearing

Listen to soothing music. It might be music with singing or without.
Listen to audio books. You don’t even have to pay attention to the story line.
Turn on the television and just listen.
Open your window and listen to the peaceful sounds outside. Or go visit a place with relaxing sounds, such as a park.
Listen to a recording of nature sounds.
Listen to a white-noise on Yutube or apps. circulating air, sounds of birds, waterfalls, and rain forests.

Self-Soothing Using Your Sense of Taste

Enjoy your favorite meal. Close your eyes ?
Carry gum, or other candy with you to eat when you’re feeling upset. Misophonia? selective sound sensitivity syndrome.
Eat a soothing food, like ice cream, chocolate.
Drink something soothing, such as tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. Practice drinking it slowly so you can enjoy the way it tastes.
Suck on an ice cube or an ice pop, especially if you’re feeling warm.

They can not be used if you have food addiction.

Self-Soothing Using Your Sense of Touch

Carry something soft or velvety in your pocket to touch when you need to.
Take a hot or cold shower and enjoy the feelings of the water .
Take a warm bubble bath or a bath with scented oils .
Get a massage. history of sexual abuse ?
Massage yourself. Sometimes just rubbing your own sore muscles is very pleasing.
Play with your pet. Pet owners often have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and reduced risk for heart disease. ( your pet , a friend’s pet or animal shelter).
Wear your most comfortable clothes.