The Soul: Seven Principles for Psychological and Spiritual Wellbeing

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Dr. Nader Attalla presents a unique, "whole-person approach” to overall wellbeing and explores the spiritual, alongside the biological, psychological, and social factors that define and impact our daily lives and functioning. His book highlights the value and significant benefits of spiritual understanding, as a "roadmap to our innate capacity for happiness, success, health, love, inner peace, and creativity.”

As a family physician, addiction medicine specialist and psychiatrist, he lays out a practical and tangible guide, to help readers obtain optimal mental health, through his seven principles. These same principles have been taught, in numerous patient seminars and groups run, by Dr. Attalla and his Soul Team, with the hope of reaching and helping others. For those undergoing “daily stress, depression, anxiety, addiction, eating and personality disorders, trauma, anger, and sleep issues,” this book is for you.

Who will benefit from this book?

Medical students, residents, and physicians interested in discovering more about spirituality from a medical perspective.
Psychotherapists and counsellors who wish to include spirituality with other psychological interventions such as dialectical behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Patients struggling with depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and addiction issues.
Religious leaders and spiritual teachers interested in understanding spirituality from a mental health perspective.
Parents wanting to fulfil their children's spiritual needs.
Youth searching for meaning in life and those living through existential crises.
Atheists seeking spiritual connection without involvement in organized religions and dogmas.

What are the seven principles?
Unconditional Love