
Web Hacking Fundamentals
Understand the core security issues with web applications, and learn how to exploit them using industry tools and techniques.
In this module, we'll be exploring the basic components of the modern web including both the basic protocols used, as well as various server components that make up the world wide web. You'll be diving into how to use BurpSuite, a tool which is widely regarded to be at the heart of web hacking. Additionally, you'll learn how to perform basic enumeration of websites and exploit the ten most common web application vulnerabilities by hacking various real-world applications.

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-Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-reda-6995a7232/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DarkStorm70
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dark_Storm777
-Whatsapp : +201063805787

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أنشئ حسابك علي موقع TryHackMe
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رابط الابات :

00:00:00 في هذه الدورة
00:03:46 منحة 600 ساعة المجانية في مجال السيبرسكيروتي
00:15:07 How websites work
00:44:29 HTTP in detail
01:24:50 Burp Suite: The Basics part 1
02:19:04 Burp Suite: The Basics part 2
02:46:44 Burp Suite: The Basics part 3
03:15:10 Burp Suite: The Basics part 4
03:45:07 OWASP Top 10 - 2021 part 1
04:48:24 OWASP Top 10 - 2021 part 2
06:26:36 OWASP Juice Shop part 1
07:17:37 OWASP Juice Shop part 2
07:38:46 Upload Vulnerabilities
09:38:20 Pickle Rick

كورسات الامن السيبراني
كورسات السيبرسكيروتي
تدريب عملي في مجال السيبرسكيروتي
تعلم أختبار الاختراق
تدريب عملي
تخصصات السيبرسكيروتي
شهادة معتمدة
تدريب عملي علي لابات